Appetizers and intermediate dishes

Canadian lobster, mousse of bouillabaisse, crisp of sesame and preparations of melon

Rouleau of duck breast, terrine of chicken liver, mustard, cream of piccalilly
and crisps of rye bread


Flan of ponzu, caramelised walnuts, green apple, chicory and a foam of lettuce

Oysters: Irish fine de Claire
2 Classic, 2 prepared with Manzanilla and dill and 2 prepared with yuzu and miso

Slow cooked trout, glaced eel, celeriac and a sauce of verbena and eel

Quail en croûte, duxelles of mushrooms, pata negra and a vinaigrette of morel mushrooms

Crispy fried celtuce, marinated daikon, shallot and a foam of boemboe Bali

Main dishes

Sourdough fried plaice fillet, cordyceps, radish, cucumber and a beurre blanc with dill

Fried turbot, lobster, asparagus and a beurre blanc with dashi

Cannelloni with oxtail, crispy fried sweetbread, glaced veal cheek, leek, string beans
and a sauce with laurel

Panna cotta of Parmesan cheese, green asparagus, broad beans
and a sauce of asparagus with hazelnuts


Variation of quality cheeses

Tarte tatin with calvados, Rocchetta (cow-/sheep-/goatcheese) and apple

Dessert of cherries with chocolate

Dessert of raspberries

The á la Carte dishes as well as the different courses on the menu are replaced regularly. We’re using fresh seasonal products for all of our dishes. For example when it’s the season for asparagus, lamb or game we’ll try to use it in our menu.

The Northsea plays an important role in our fish courses, like the sole, turbot or lobster.
In springtime the Dutch suckling lambs straight out of the area are a favourite to work with. If it is up to our standard.

The dishes which we prepare with care and passion in the kitchen of Restaurant de Moerbei are based on the French Haut Cuisine with different gastronomical influences. One of which is Asian.